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Post critical incident support

Trauma debrief support for your workforce following a serious incident

1 h
From 200 British pounds

Service Description

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD): is a specific, 7-phase, proactive, supportive crisis intervention process involving either an individual (1-1) or a group (1-small group – not larger than 8). Sessions are typically 3hrs per group. The CISD process does not constitute any form of psychotherapy, rather it is a supportive, crisis-focused discussion of a traumatic event (which is frequently called a “critical incident”). The Critical Incident Stress Debriefing model was developed exclusively for small, homogeneous groups who have encountered a powerful traumatic event. It aims at reduction of distress, a restoration of group cohesion and a demonstration of management commitment to the psychosocial health of team members. Psychological therapeutic support after debriefing: Referral for those members of staff exhibiting or manifesting symptoms following the period after a serious incident. Individual 1-1 therapeutic provision via a THRIVE assessment triage.

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